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About Wyoming Tree Farm Program

About Wyoming Tree Farm Program




"The mission of this landowner and entity organization is to   promote the practice of sustainable forestry with private forest owners by utilizing the American Forest Foundation (AFF) Standards of Sustainability for Forest Certification system and the Forest Stewardship plan guidelines, along with technical assistance form local, state and federal government and industry to put  sustainable forestry on the ground."

The American Tree Farm System (ATFS) is a national program for woodland owners who are committed to sustainably managing their woods for wood, water, wildlife and recreation. Each state program is run by a diverse group of partners, such as state agencies, non-profit organizations, volunteers, foresters and landowners. The Wyoming Tree Farm was established in 1989.

The Wyoming Tree Farm organization is good for private landowners because it gives them a lobbying base to help with landowner issues in the nation's capitol. Another benefit is they follow environmentally correct management practices, which allows the wood to be certified. Dick Terry the 2012 Wyoming Tree Farmer of the Year and a Tree Farm inspector believes certified wood will be an added benefit in the area in the next few years, as the larger chain stores require wood to be certified.



A Wyoming Tree Farmer is a forested landowner taking care of this forest - wether it be for timber or to mange it for recreation or wildlife purposes. Taking care of the trees and forest on their land is not only a privilege for these landowners but a hobby for which they have much passion about. They spend more time taking care of their trees and forest then is actually needed, but they do it because they enjoy it and they want to promote sustainable forestry.

To learn more, reach out to your state committee. Their contact information is above.

To learn more about Wyoming State Forestry Division click here.

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