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2018 Wyoming Tree Farmer of the Year

2018 Wyoming Tree Farmer of the Year

Jim's has actively carried out pre-commercial thinning, woody draw treatments, fuel reduciton and meadow retention. In the burnt areas post-fire rehabilitation is being completed to reduce erosion, fuels and weed issues. To improve the rangeland in general water development has been completed plus thousand of acres of weed control.

Jim has also been a major supporter of the Wyoming Tree Farm Science Fair Awards that promote projects on forestry and wood utilization  with local high school students. Education, research  and further learning is something that Jim wants to encourage in youth and this program direcly does that.

Use of "waste material", primarily slash, is also of great interest to reduce costs of managment activities. This is anothe reason Jim has been a supporter of the Tree Farm Science Fair program to encourage forestry and wood product utilization.

The woody draw treatments carried out in a major canyon on the ranch have the goal of improving water quantity by removing conifers in strategic locations.

Recreation centers around the wildlife watching and hunting. The wildlife use is increasing in species like pronghorn antelope, mule deer, whitetail deer, Merriam's turkey, sharp-tail goruse and elk.

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