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2012 Wyoming Tree Farmer of the Year

2012 Wyoming Tree Farmer of the Year

On January 4, 2013 the Wyoming Tree Farm Committee honored Dick and Bernie Terry of 2012 Wyoming Tree Farmer of the Year. This award recognizes outstanding sustainable forest management on family owned woodlands. The Terry family was first certified twenty-one years ago and they are also recognized under the Forest Stewardship program. The family is committed to being good stewards of our natural resources as they practice sustainable forestry both on a personal level and professional level. Dick is an Assistant District Forester at Wyoming State Forestry Division as well as a Tree Farm inspector. Terry's daughters, Juliann and Bailey are both in natural resource fields as well. Family forest owners like the Terry family exemplify how the American Tree Farm System grows stewardship form the roots.

The American Tree Farm System, the largest and oldest sustainable woodland system in America, is more then just growning and managing trees. It's about making sure woodland landowners have a voice in Washington about policies that impact family forest owners. It's about educating landowners and communities about the benefits of working forests and sustainable forestry to keep our forests healthy and productive.


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